What a miserable, wet start to the week! Lately the weather has been very warm for November; so the cold and rain is a bit of a shock. We have been enjoying recent walks on a local farm.

Beginning to get excited now about Christmas; although I have made no preparations whatsoever. I've got a couple of fairs to attend first. One is the Garston Manor Winter Fair; next weekend (13 and 14 November); so busy sorting out suitable Christmassy stock to take with me. Like these:
Aren't vintage baubles so much nicer than new ones?
And for those people who can sing in tune (not me):

It's a beautiful 1940's Christmas Carol song book; with words, music and lovely black and white pictures. I'd keep it myself, but with the musical ability of a flea, it seems a bit of a waste. Hopefully someone else will appreciate it and put it to good use.
Off now to work out how to incorporate an old wooden sledge on my stall...